Hershey's Kisses

Friday, June 10, 2005

First day at home!

Today was the big day! We got Hershey from the shelter in Misty Creek this afternoon, it was a stormy day but luckily we took possession of her right before the rain started coming down. We drove her home and she loved watching the cars and trucks as we drove past. She did get sick once in the car, but because she had her shots this morning at the vet, it is likely she was a bit nauseous and dehydrated.

When we got home she was very excited to explore the yard and house. We showed her the bedroom we prepared for her in the mudroom, her crate is there along with her food bowls and supplies.

She got to play with her first toy, a tasty lamb chop stuffed toy

We gave her some supper, which she ate very nicely - no messes, no pigging out.

When we checked the mail, we found a card for Hershey from my parents! They modified a congratulations card to read "You have a new dog!" and included some doggy dollars so Hershey can get herself some toys. Hershey, Chris and I say THANK YOU!

We capped off the big first day with a romp in the park with Thilo, our friends, Kit and Jen's, puppy.

More gifts! Kit, Jen and Thilo got Hershey a great stuffed cow toy which "moos" when you squeeze it (pictures will come later when my camera batteries recharge).

She wandered around the house a bit more, and eventually the big day did her in - she fell asleep at my feet while I was working on this post, and we just put her in her crate (bed), she whimpered a bit, but quieted down right away. What a great first day!


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