Hershey's Kisses

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Hershey has become fascinated with dancing spots of light on the ground (primarily produced by the lower day-time sun and sparse-er leaves on the trees) and shadows.

She will creep up on the spots and stare at them. She may smell them and paw them too. Every once in a while there'll be one she can't resist and will try to dig at it or eat it. Makes me wonder what she's thinking about - does she view them as tricky sneaky ghosts who keep evading her?

Her imagination certainly seems to run wild sometimes. I have seen her wake up from a nap once or twice and run to the door or go outside only to look around frantically for something that she obviously just dreamt about. Did she think there was a squirrel or another dog to go play with? Is it possible she had a nightmare about a scary stranger in the house? Poor girl!


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