Hershey's Kisses

Monday, June 12, 2006

Birthday Doggie!

On Saturday we celebrated the 1st anniversary of having Hershey in our home, or, as we have come to call it, her 2nd birthday! She was about 1 when we got her, so it makes sense!

I came home early from my conference specifically to spend the whole day with Hershey. We started the day by letting her sleep on the bed overnight and then in the morning after having had a bit of her normal food, I made her a special "salad" with all her favourite things (lettuce, egg, bacon bits, cheese). She LOVED it!

Then, we did leave her for a little while as Chris and I both had some errands to do - but I had got her some new cookies and Kong Stuff'n Paste (basically some foam that taste like pate - ew!) so she was happy to chew on that for a while.

Once we got back home, we took her to the dog park where she played with doggies, went for a walk, and got to fetch sticks in the river. We were out there for a good 2 hours, and she had a great old time. Here's Hershey playing with Chris - she's jumping to get the frisbee toy.

Here's Hersh bringing back a stick from the river!

When we got back home, she had some dinner, and then a short while later, our friends Brian, Ariel and their dog Scooter came to visit (and watch the hockey game - Go Oilers!) Hershey and Scooter got along okay - but poor Scoots just wants to wander around and sniff stuff and ends up in places that Hershey doesn't like... for instance, he wandered into her crate and holy crap - Hershey went bananas. Nonetheless, I think she enjoys having dog company, and, frankly, it is helping her learn about more social situations.

After our guests left, we capped the evening with a special "cake" for the birthday dog. She got to have a small container of wet dog food (stinky duck pate flavoured dog food!) with a few beef jerky "candles" in it. She inhaled the whole thing in no time! It was past midnight when she went to bed in her crate, and she was so tired, but I think she had a really great day!


  • You guys are what we at the shelter here would call perfectly dedicated dog owners! I wish everyone who adopts could be so loving to their dog. Thanks so much for giving Hershey such an awesome home!

    shauna-Misty Creek Dog Rescue

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 AM  

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