Hershey's Kisses

Friday, June 24, 2005

Girl, You'll be a Woman Soon

So 4 days before we had her scheduled to get spayed, Hershey went into heat. This explains her spaziness lately - she isn't as good at listening and following commands as before, and has been panting for no reason. We've been able to reschedule the spay for early July, which will be fine, however I will be on my own at home at that time, so I am reading up on what to do post-op for Hershey.

In the meanwhile, I will be trying to drive around with Hershey in the front-seat of a car this weekend. Perhaps this will be better for her than the back seat. She'll have better access to the window for fresh air this way. If this works well, we may get her used to the car by sitting her up front and then get her comfortable in the back seat eventually.

We will be taking it easy for the next few weeks, playing mostly around the house and yard and ensuring that things go well for her "time of the year".


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