Hershey's Kisses

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Snowy snowy dog

It's become winter very quickly here - and Hershey's been enjoying the snow!

She loves putting her nose into the snow, pushing it around so that she sniff what's underneath. She get snow mustaches - so cute!

Things have been going well again this week - Chris has been staying home for most of the day so she's got company - mind you both of us are tired and aren't taking her to parks or walks really right now. She's also being more of a homebody - I think some of her treats went bad and she apparently puked on Monday during the day (and subsequently ate it up too - gross). I spent all Monday evening cleaning her stuff, washing all her toys, blankets, and cleaning up the floor too. We've thrown out her cookies - and so I'll be making another, smaller batch this weekend.

By the way, I haven't posted about her toys recently - she's got two very favourites (when she gets to play with them) - a stuffy radio and a stuffy drill. The radio's been chewed beyond recognition - but here's a picture of the drill. She's just like her dad - she loves radio and tools!


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