Hershey's Kisses

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Diaper Dog

Poor Hershey - she has been forced to wear a diaper during the day given her female troubles. She's been an incredibly good sport about it, not fussing with it and she's pretty patient when I put it on her. Unfortunately the few time Chris has tried to put on her diaper for her, it has come out looking all crazy; I'm not sure what he is doing!

It's not on tight, but you have a good idea of how much fur is on her! She looks so strange with it on, like she's wearing a Speedo!

In other news, we have booked her kenneling for the few days we will both be away from home in July. Our friends have used this kennel in the past and it is affiliated with a veterinary clinic, which is good as her stay will only be 4 or 5 days after her spaying.

Hershey's been spending the whole work day on her own, both to get ready for her kenneling time and for September when our schedules get more regular. She's been doing wonderfully - enjoying her crate for naps, playing with the few toys we leave out for her, and has learned to look out the window by propping herself up on her crate too. She's been chewing all her toys to bits recently (except the cow stuffie, for some reason, but it's her teddybear, we let her sleep with it in the crate). She has remarkably strong jaws - she's even been able to do some serious damage to her Kong toy (it's solid rubber!) - we've never heard of a small dog being able to do this!

Finally, another cute picture of Hershey!


  • That diaper is too much. Poor Hershey!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:10 PM  

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