Hershey's Kisses

Friday, July 08, 2005

Operation Day

Today is operation day - Hershey is going to get spade! A lot of planning has had to happen; I had to rent a car as Chris took his to the airport, we weren't able to give her breakfast so we fed her a bit more yesterday to make up for it, and trying to coordinate the vet appointments and recuperation time around the busiest part of the summer for my work has been hard.

She went into the animal hospital at 7:45 this morning, after checking the paperwork and all the operation options, she happily followed the reception person to the back room. I'm not nervous, but rather looking forward to having her fixed. We haven't been able to take her on walks in the last two weeks because she's been in heat, and only in the last few days has her swelling gone down (and her hyperness is also calming back down too). She'll have to take it easy for the first few days, but should be in prime shape by Wednesday when I drop her off at the kennel for the week.

While she's getting fixed we are also getting her dewclaw removed (the "thumb" toe up on her hind leg - Border collies tend to have them while Australian shepherds don't - because she's a cross, she's only got one!), having her tattooed for identification, getting her a Kennel Cough vaccine, getting her nails clipped and doing blood work and a regular exam. She will have stiches on her leg which'll be covered with a bandage and she may need a collar to stop her from liking herself. It'll be hard to prevent her from jumping around and running, but we'll try.


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