Hershey's Kisses

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Memoirs of a Doggie

It has been a long time since the last post, and I appologize for that! It has been a very busy Spring for us, and Hershey too!

Last time I had posted about Hershey doing much better at the dog park, being calm around strangers and interacting really well with other dogs. This has continued for the most part on our weekly trips to the park. We went a few times with our friends Brian and Ariel and their dogs Scooter and Trinity. Scoots likes to run away so we're trying to get Hershey's herding instincts to help out there --- with less than perfect results.

In early April, my brother came to visit and we were a little concerned about Hersh. Last time we had visitors, my parents had come immediately after we started doing clicker training, and it was hard to keep Hershey calm. This time we let Hershey off-leash nearly the entire time, and simply told her to "go to bed" if she started getting nervous. David wasn't able to pat her at first, but he was able to throw her some treats and stuff. Going on walks and to the park together also helped, and right towards the end of his week visit I was able to take this picture:

She seemed to be much better with him when he was sitting or lying down, or outside. There's just something she doesn't like about strangers standing around in the house.

In addition to all this doggie fun, we went out to the Edmonton Kennel Club dog show where we saw all sorts of very cute dogs - including lots of Nova Scotia Duck Tollers which Hershey looks like a lot. We also saw the dog behaviourist there who had helped us with Hersh back in November - she was happy to hear that Hershey was doing well.

The day before David left, it was Easter, so the "Easter Bunny" came around and left treats hidden around the house. Chocolate and fun stuff for David and Chris, and yogurt-covered raisins for Hershey!

(She's looking at the raisin on the chair in the picture.)

"Big Bunny" also got a gift for Hershey - a toy sheep that "baaahs" if you shake it! She loves this toy!

A few weeks later, on one of our trips to the park, it was nice enough outside for Hersh to go into the river and swim! She jumped in and chased sticks, played with other dogs. It was great to see her swim - it's so cute! Another thing that is happening during the hot weather is that Hersh has been shedding like crazy and getting lighter again. I'd be very surprised if she changed totally orange again, but she certainly gotten light-brown. We shall see!

In the last month, with me being so busy, Chris has taken over making sure that Hersh gets tons of exercise and outside time in the nice weather. They've been to the dog park, and on a few runs. She's being really good with strangers, according to Chris, and even got used to some people who chatted with Chris. It may be because she's getting older - we've heard that dog's "get their brain" for their second birthday - which may be around now, but she's been much calmer overall.

Now, we will be putting her in the kennel for a couple of days while Chris takes me on a special trip to San Francisco. We are very confident in the kennel - they have done nothing but give us good service, so hopefully she will have fun with all the other dogs. I will of course be thinking about her, but there really isn't a better kennel in the city! And, who knows, we may find some really special toys for her in California!