Hershey's Kisses

Friday, July 08, 2005

Good Dog!

We just arrived home from the vet and poor Hershey is totally pooped. I have never seen her so slow and tired! The vet called at around 11 am to let me know that the operation had gone well and no complications occurred. I enjoyed my day knowing that Hershey was in good hands.

At 4 pm, I went back to the vet and picked her up - she waggled her tail a little but nothing like the jumping up or frantic squirming she normally does when she sees us. The staff told me that she was quite shy and frightened, but did extremely well. Everything got done, and she looks pretty good given everything that has happened.

Her paw has a bandage on it, and they put a nice wrist-band like thing to keep the bandage on tight.

She's was given an anesthetic plus drugs and a vaccine so it's no wonder she looks stoned! She gets more alert looking every now and then, but right now she looks like a hippie dog!

When we finally got home (after braving rush hour traffic), she went for a pee and poop, then came in and had a long drink of water. I gave her a cookie (which she ate VERY slowly) and now she's taking a nice long rest on her pillow.

This pillow is, by the way, the one I got with the money from my parents! We often find Hershey sleeping on it in her room if we are out late at night. She likes being able to take a rest in a comfortable spot while being able to keep an eye on the door - her crate can't compare with the pillow when it comes to this!


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