Hershey's Kisses

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Hershey-Smershey, the Smersherella, Smersharooney

So it's been "girls night" for the last few days - I've enjoyed time off of work (well deserved, I might add) and have been spending some quality time with the dog.

For instance, we went on a long walk, two plays in the back yard and then a good run with Thilo and Kit in the park. She hasn't had this much exercise in a long time! I've also been letting her sleep on the bed - it's a treat for her while Chris is away - but I enjoy it too. She's a blanket hog just like Chris!

She's also taken to jumping up on window ledges and over her crate to check out what is going on outside.

She jumped right on to her crate when I was mowing the lawn outside today - she did NOT enjoy the vacuum or the paper shredder either - but she was dangerously interested in the whipper snipper; scary!


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